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To upload your file, you must first register on the webpage Registration – AIslovakIA ( After successful registration, you will obtain your login/password information. Afterward, you can upload your paper at the following link. If your paper is accepted, you must complete your registration.
Registration is considered complete if you have fulfilled the following criteria:
1. Completed the online registration form: registration form.
2. Made the registration fee payment through wire transfer or pay during on-site registration.
3. Submitted the final paper by the latest deadline of June 30, 2023.
Only one paper can be included into the proceedings by paying one registration fee. For including any paper into the proceedings, it is necessary for at least one co-author to be registered and the registration fee has to be paid in advance until July 10, 2023. All papers must be presented either in an oral session or in poster session.
Registration fees are as follows:
Present participant DISA 2023 (September 21-22, 2023) – IEEE Member or IEEE Student – 250€
Remote participant DISA 2023 (September 21-22, 2023) – IEEE Member or IEEE Student – 190€
Present participant DISA 2023 (September 21-22, 2023) – Non-IEEE Member or non-IEEE Student – 280€
Remote participant DISA 2023 (September 21-22, 2023) – Non-IEEE Member or non-IEEE Student – 220€
Ulysseus young researcher – 190€ – (14 participation grants open)
Accompanying person at Symposium – 100€
DISA 2023 (September 21-22, 2023) registration fee includes access to the Symposium venue and program, IEEE USB drive proceedings, coffee breaks and refreshment, lunches and welcome party at the Symposium.
All sums are listed in € with Value Added Tax (VAT). Any additional expenses pertaining to banking operations are not included in the registration fee and must be covered by the registrants.
Cancellation of registration:
In case you need to cancel your participation at the symposium, the cancellation must be sent to the Symposium Office by letter or e-mail. Refunding of the conference fees (to be returned to the participant as per mail stamp or date on your letter or e-mail message) is not possible after September 1, 2023.
Payment method: bank transfer or on-site cash in €:
Account Holder: elfa, s.r.o., Park Komenského 7, SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia
Bank: Bank: Tatra banka, a.s., Štúrova 28, SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia
Bank Account: 2924883535 / 1100
IBAN: SK63 1100 0000 0029 2488 3535
Variable symbol: 2222082018
ID Message (IMPORANT!): DISA 2023 / Participant Name

Slovak Artificial Intelligence Society
Computational Intelligence Chapter IEEE CS Section

Important dates
Special sessions
February 20, 2023 – Submission deadline
March 1, 2023 – Acceptance notification
Full papers
June 30, 2023 – Papers submission deadline
July 15, 2023– Acceptance notification
August 30 2023 – Camera-ready deadline